The Best Sunscreens. Period.

For me, sunscreen season is year round. But that's what happens when you were born with extremely pale, bordering on translucent skin. I've tried a ton of sunscreens, and the ones shown above are the winners in my book. If you were to pick just one, I'd recommend the eltaMD the highest, especially for people with dry skin. Read more about each one and why I love them below.

For your face every day (my personal all time 5 star favorite).

eltaMD UV Daily SPF 40

Hands down, this is the best facial sunscreen I've tried, and that's saying something because I've tried what seems like a million different brands. First of all, it's not greasy at all, which is important if you're going to be wearing it all day. It also has hydrating hyaluronic acid, as well as transparent zinc, a great mineral blocker. Since I have dry skin, this product serves two purposes which I love because lets face it, I'm lazy.

For your face every day if you wear makeup.

La Roche Posay Anthelios 50 Primer 

This is probably the most unique product of the bunch. It doesn't feel like sunscreen AT ALL, and has a nice silicon-y texture that provides a smooth surface for makeup. You'd never know it's SPF 50. It's great for sensitive skin too, since it's non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) and fragrance free. It also won an Elle Essential award, so obviously I'm not the only one who loves it.

For your face on a beach day.

Neutrogena Clear Face SPF 55

Love this one because you can keep slathering it on without worrying that your face will be a pizza the next day. Great for guys and girls with problem skin. Also great because it contains helioplex, a stabilizer that allows the sunscreen to give you better protection for a longer period of time.

For your body.

La Roche Posay Anthelios 60 Body

This stuff is pretty expensive, but it's awesome. It claims to be "ultra light" and it really is, and I feel protected since it's broad spectrum, shielding me from damaging UVA & UVB rays that cause sunburn, skin cancer and aging. Just be careful with this one, most people don't use enough product when using a spray, so make sure you spray at least two good coats.

For more about what you should look for in sunscreens these days, check out

this recent article

in The New York Times that explains everything you need to know about the stuff.