Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers is Insanity

So, I went to see Harmony Korine's indie meets artsy meets dark comedy movie Spring Breakers on its opening night.  I don't normally write about movies, but this this one warrants a post.  The premise is pretty simple - a few college students (four total, including Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens of Disney fame) go on spring break and get arrested. A rapper and drug dealer (James Franco) bails them out and invites them to spend some "quality time" with him.

Even though the plot seems simple enough, the execution of the film is far from boring.  The direction is dark and gritty, the plot is intense and the story is sometimes scary, but by the end the film is so over the top that you'll want to see it again.  The story jumps backwards and forwards in time recounting events from different perspectives and points of view, so that if you saw it again, you're sure to encounter things you missed the first time around.  So what did I come away with from Spring Breakers?  Korine seems to be getting at the fact that kids don't realize that there are consequences for their actions.  More than that, we live our young lives without fear, acting on impulses, but then there comes a point when reality hits and when it does, it hits hard.  For certain people, like James Franco's character that time never comes but for most people, a major event forces us to see the error in our ways.

Whether girls with bikinis and guns are your thing or you're a fan of indie films, Spring Breakers will draw you in with sex and violence and leave you questioning society, youth culture and maybe even your own childhood.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I saw it. It's only limited release at the moment but I'd recommend it if you have the chance.  However, if you're easily offended, stay away. Far away.  

Rating: 10/10