Photographer Focus: Daniela Coelho

Next time Daniela goes somewhere, I'm gonna hide in her suitcase. Obviously a traveler, Ms. Coelho, originally from Brazil, gets around (the world). She captures beautiful scenes from her trips, and has a very interesting perspective. These photos make you want to get up out of your seat and go far, far away. Today's a great day to explore the world, through her photography. Check out more of her gorgeous photos here, and also Meu Amigo Tigre, the band she plays bass guitar in, which is great background music for her photography.


 Brasilia, Brazil, but currently living in London

favorite camera

 Yashica Electro 35

random fact about yourself

 I just configured a wi-fi router by myself and I'm felling great about it

favorite subject matter to shoot

 Basically almost everything I see when I travel

photographers you admire

 Man Ray, André Kertész, Helen Levitt, Vivian Maier

what makes a great photo

 For me what makes a good photo is not the technique involved, but its impact and how it makes you react. Some of the most beautiful photos I've seen are not "right" in terms of composition or exposure, for example

what makes a terrible photo

 Usually photos of me eating are pretty bad

why do you love photography

 This is such a simple question, but I'm finding it a little hard to answer. I don't think I've ever really thought about it. Taking photos is something I gradually started loving a few years ago. For me it just works as a great way of self-expression, I think.

do you do any other art

I play bass guitar in the band Meu Amigo Tigre