Grand Central Terminal Turns 100

You might have heard of this little train stop called Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan.  Today, February 1, 2013, it turns 100 years old.

Grand Central has been around since the days when Park Avenue was nothing more than a set of train tracks and it's out lived plenty of other NYC landmarks which were demolished over the past century.  Today it's one of the city's most famous places and it plays host to shopping, restaurants and even an Apple Store.  In honor of the terminal's centennial there are all sorts of special happenings over the next month and all day today!

Hear speeches by a former poet-laureate and former Sex and the City star, dance your way through the rush hour commute to live music, and take advantage of special deals in the shops, like 5 cent coffee like in good ol' 1913. For a full list of events, check out

Time Out
